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Tuesday, January 2, 2018

How to change your life in 2018: What can I do to Live a Better Life? Start Here

Great morning to you! Here's so food for thought... Ready? 

Be the changes you want to have in your life. Don't want drama? Stop starting it or dealing with people that feed on it.
Wanna lose weight? Change your diet, start a different routine or start working on yourself spiritually. And the biggest one I keep on sending hear..... Stop complaining about shit that's in your life that is not of the highest vibration. Complaining will only make it linger around in your life longer. Once you understand the simple concept of venting on Facebook is just causing the energy to fester, that's when life will change. Every time you post something negative; you leave that energy for others to build upon. What happens then? Then you see it again, and again, and again until you are filled with that emotion again. I hope that you see how this can be counterproductive. 
"Do the work! "

Remember, no one is going to hand you the very best life that you wish to have on a silver platter and say "Here you go, you're welcome." Life can be tough, but the toughness can also be a blessing in disguise. You've spent all this time on this rock, so I believe you should know some things about what should or shouldn't be in your life. Stop blaming others not changing for you not changing.
Challenge yourself to be uncomfortable in order to grow. Learn new things. Experience new things. Get out of the rat race, and start living life the way you should be. Forget what others say your life should be. Now is the time to have life cater to your necessities. Bring back creativity, excitement, mystery, intimacy and for god sakes even happiness. Be the life that you always wanted to have. Mirror the success that you wish to have. Dream it, create it. 

Now, with this concept understood, please go on with 2018 in the very best vibration you can possibly have. Love abundantly, listen, have empathy, hug often, fail big and become the very best version of yourself. The time has come to live the life you always wanted to. Begin with yourself first. The rest will fall into place as it should. Have a blessed day today, Namaste'


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