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Thursday, January 4, 2018



Dear ones, while you trying so hard to block yourself from being hurt and feeling, you'll find yourself always doing just that. Be profoundly aware, but be open to others. This life has got so much to give to you, once you open up and receive. You only need to begin by taking a leap of faith on yourself that everything is going to be fine. Your faith and devotion to yourself is one of the things that is going to allow for yourself to finally reach into a place where you consistently do not Dare to open again. You ask for partners that you wish to receive, but you refuse to be tested to see if you have what it takes to truly get what you want. 

It's right there. Right around that corner, with all the obstacles that will make you weak to your knees, will make your heart soar and will most certainly make even super masculine men fall down to their knees. This is what the starting of this new cycle of shifting means for some of you. To reach into that dark space and pull out that awesomeness that is the authentic you. Trust in yourself. You have what it takes to become whatever you want. In this instance that I speak to you, your heart is pounding a bit faster, your soul becomes unrested and begins to form a new form from within itself. Dreams can be reality. Stresses can be no more. The fear based consciousness is non-existent anymore. The time has come to rise above all created things within the past of this life cycle of yours. Great power lays within you, and all you have to do is grab a hold of it.

The heart is not forever cold or broken. The heart is not hiding from living in unconditional love. And the heart is not hiding you from your passions. A passionate person doesn't stop loving. They only becomes stronger, love more, open vulnerability. I abhor you today to be dared to not resist the urge to love more than you've ever loved. You're dream life is on that tree in front of you. Pick off that tree. Pluck from you have to have from that tree, and always remember that it will grow back again to be grasped once again if ever needed. 

You're time has come. The time is now. Stop walking all over people, saying stuff behind their backs, and just speak your authentic truth to the world. You'll be rewarded for it, trust this. Be well, be blessed, be loved, and love openly. 

Hope you liked your coffee! Namaste'


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